Our Celebration of...
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Thank you for coming to share the love.
Age is but a number and it does a number too!
So many memories...
What else can we say?
Jill had no idea that I arranged for Lisa to remarry us. She thought we would just share our vows. Surprise!
Lisa is there to remarry us unbeknowst to Jill.
E Bo Ki Sabe! You Know Best! With Game show Host Monica Soares.
It is neither legal nor tender and only good 'til the end of the driveway.
Lori and granddaughter Olivia
One Lemon Rasberry and one Dulce de Leche.
Lynda Mili did her usual incredible job baking!
They look too good to eat!
Brie, what an incredible spread.
Jaime Browne developed AmeoBunnies Board Game. For more information check out his website at Hawkflightstudios.com
Take a trip down memory lane starting in the '70's -- bowling, John Hancock, marraige, Digital, Milford, Nashua...
Staycation, Vacation, Education, Vocation...
The Bachelor's Bible, Phil Donahue Show, 8 week vaction, Albuquerque, Microsoft!
Party! - RVing, Boating,
Email to Jill@jillsworld.net
There were close to 100 friends and family present to celebrate with us. Thank you all for coming!
Chris, Nancy, Jeffrey, Jill, Jack, Carolee, Mark
Jared, Monica, Peter, Jill, Jaime, Beverly, Ricky, Alexis
Ted, Jaime, Lance, Lynda, Chris, Lisa, Pam, Lori, Brie, Ashley, Jack, Leslie Jo, Jon, Justin, Jeff
Monica, Peter, Jill, Jaime and Brody
Patti and Mike
Alexis, Peter, Jill and Monica
Janis and Jack
Keira and Ashley
Mark and Chris
Dougy, Mark, Dan and Jeffrey
We love you all - Jill and Peter